Paris Workshop

on Games, Decisions, and Language

3rd edition: June 5-7, 2025

University Paris-Panthéon-Assas

Special Issue
International Journal of Game Theory
"Games, Decisons, and Language"

Program 2025

Shall be posted here in Spring 2025.

Program 2024

University Paris-Panthéon-Assas, 12, Place du Panthéon
Salle des conseils

Thursday, June 13, 2024

8h30-9h: Welcome by the organizers

9h-10h30: Session 1 (Signaling and Cheap Talk)
Chair: Chantal Marlats
Keynote: Françoise Forges: "Finite Sender-Receiver Games"
Frédéric Koessler: "A Belief-Based Approach to Signaling"

10h30-11h: Coffee break

11h00-12h30: Session 2 (Experiments)
Chair: Herakles Polemarchakis
Valeria Burdea: "I'm Sorry If You Are: Two-Sided Conflicts and a Theory of Relative Blame"
Stephan Semirat: "Indicative versus Imperative Meaning in Cheap-Talk Games: An Experiment"
Daniele Condorelli: "Cheap Talking Algorithms"

12h30-14h: Lunch break

14h00-15h30: Session 3 (Thought and form)
Chair: Enrico Minelli
Salvador Mascarenhas: "Questions in Language and Thought"
Nicolas Rodriguez Gonzalez: "The Geometry of Thought in Common-Interest Cheap-Talk Games"
Gerrit Bauch: "Effects of Noise on the Grammar of Languages"

15h30-16h: Coffee break

16h-17h: Coffee Session
Jinge Liu: "Content Bias and Information Compression"
Gerhard Schaden: "Explaining the Euphemism Treadmill"
Zhijun Wu: "Language Competition as a Game"

17h00-18h30: Session 4 (The Language of Game Theory)
Chair: Rabah Amir
Keynote: Ariel Rubinstein: "Convexity, Differentiability, and Language: A Comment on the Culture of Economic Theory"
Aviad Heifetz: "What the Language Game of Game Theory Cannot Express"

Friday, June 14, 2024

9h15-10h45: Session 5 (Partitional methods)
Chair: Benjamin Spector
Keynote: Roni Katzir: "Implicit Questions, Explicit Answers, and How We Use Both to Negotiate the Common Ground"
Marco LiCalzi: "Vocabulary Aggregation"

10h45-11h15: Coffee break

11h15-12h30: Session 6 (Misunderstanding, ambiguous communication, lies)
Chair: Ming Li
Andreas Blume: "Language Games: Correlation through Non-Understanding, Dialogue, Inarticulateness, and Misunderstanding"
Marieke Pahlke: "Dynamic Consistency and Ambiguous Communication"

12h30-14h: Lunch break

14h00-15h30: Session 7 (Evolution and conventions)
Chair: Lucie Ménager
David Spector: "Applying Evolutionary Game Theory to Language Change: A Critical Review of the Recent Literature"
Luca Gasparri: "Natural Linguistic Conventions"
Nick Zangwill: "Miscommunication in Evolutionary Language Game Theory"

15h30-16h: Coffee break

16h00-18h00: Session 8
Tomas Koblizek and Rene Levinsky: "Lying as a Language Game? A Game Theory Perspective"
Round Table
With Andreas Blume, Roni Katzir, Ariel Rubinstein, Benjamin Spector, Bernhard von Stengel

Saturday, June 15, 2024

9h00-10h30: Session 9 (Rethinking classic questions in game theory)
Chair: Iryna Topolyan
Keynote: Philip J. Reny: "Natural Language Equilibrium: Signaling Games"
Olivier Gossner: "Strategic Types: A Discrete Language for Higher-Order Interactive Decision Making"

10h30-11h: Coffee break

11h00-12h30: Session 10 (More on lies and a general reflection)
Chair: Bernhard von Stengel
Christoph Kuzmics:"Fool me once, ..."
Despoina Alempaki: "Deceptive Communication: Direct Lies vs. Ignorance, Partial-Truth and Silence"
Michael Greinecker: "Causality and Correlation in Game Theory and Science"


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