Paris Workshop

on Games, Decisions, and Language

3rd edition - Evolutionary Dynamics and Iterative Processes
June 5-7, 2025

University Paris-Panthéon-Assas

3rd edition - 2025

This year, the workshop is part of the

Paris Game Theory Festival, June 2-7

The purpose of this workshop series is to foster research at the intersection of game theory and the study of language. It notably aims at providing a platform for:
- game and decision-theoretic treatments of problems that are studied in the context of established research programs in linguistics, in particular, language evolution and language change, sociolinguistics, and semantics and pragmatics;
- studies carving out the linguistic implications of established modeling frameworks in game and decision theory, such as signaling, cheap-talk, Bayesian persuasion, ambiguity, models of interactive-knowledge and Bayesian dialogues; and
- methodological reflections on the interaction of game and decision theory and the study of language.

Evolutionary dynamics and iterative processes

For the third edition of this workshop, June 5-7, 2025, we are particularly interested in applications of game theory in the study of language using:
- methods from evolutionary game theory, and
- iterative processes such as rationalizability and Bayesian dialogues (as studied in game theory) or the Rational Speech Act model (as studied in linguistics).

If you would like to give a talk at this event, please send a proposal (extended abstract or working paper) to:
by January 30, 2025.

Proposals are accepted on a rolling basis between now and January 30, 2025. Particular attention is given to studies exploring methodological connections between game theory and linguistics

With contributions by:

Despoina Alempaki * Galit Ashkenazi-Golan * Anton Benz * Valeria Burdea * Heather Burnett * Keny Chatain * Danny Fox * Michael Franke * Aviad Heifetz * Josef Hofbauer * Roni Katzir * Panayotis Mertikopoulos * Maël Le Treust * Léo Migotti Ramponi * Christina Pawlowitsch * Philip Reny * Benjamin Simmenauer * Pierre Tarrés * Vassili Vergopoulos * Yannick Viossat * Jörgen Weibull *

Program Committee:
Dietmar Berwanger * Paul Égré * Josef Hofbauer * Christina Pawlowitsch * Benjamin Spector * Vassili Vergopoulos

Special Issue
International Journal of Game Theory
"Games, Decisons, and Language"

Past events

Colloquium in Honor of Robert Aumann

1st Paris Workshop Games, Decisions, and Language, 2023

2nd Paris Workshop Games, Decisions, and Language

LEMMA Université Panthéon-Assas Labex IJN